Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Two approaches to improving an animation

This is a little something that I found out as I grew more experienced with animation, though it also applies to creating other kinds of art too! I'll keep this short and sweet!

When I just started out doing animation, what I did was create an animation and start tweaking from there. I just looked for improvement in the animation that was already there, however most of the time more than that is needed to create the best animation you can create.

Before you start, you need to look for options! The first idea you have for an animation might not actually the best idea!

Once you're confident that you've found the best idea then try it out, but always look back and reflect on whether another option was better/had better aspects that could be introduced to the option you're executing.

Once you're well on your way you can go back to the other approach of asking yourself what the problem is in the current animation, and get tweaking!

The best would be to do both simultaneously throughout the process ofcourse, but don't overtweak stuff at the start just yet, make sure you make a good foundation before you start thoroughly tweaking.

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