Thursday, February 23, 2012

Learning from a shot

I just have to share this link which is so full of insight on how to learn from someone else's shot, it's quite an eye-opener, at least it was for me. I never look into shots that appeal to me in the depth that he does and now I have to admit that I must've missed out on quite a few, okay... A LOT of learning experiences. He put a lot of time into it and it's definitely worth the read to get a full understanding of what and why he does it.
I hope to make a post like this too when I have the time! No promises though!

The Lozt Boyz - how I study animation

Animator Mark said this about it:
Awesome post, thank you for this. A lot of times i will frame through shots that i love, but i realize there is a lack of in depth questions i don't pose to the shot which would be more helpful. This is going to be a great exercise that i will be adapting from now on. Thanks you.

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